This is a long one! I took various released versions of the song, some with the vocals pushed to the front, others with almost no vocals (sometimes layering the different vocal takes), and melded them with portions of other artist's versions of the song (such as those done by BongWater, The Church, and Trouble), and I even brought back the famed ending crescendo! I added continuous backward tracking of the song to the left channel, plus additional bass, cymbals, backing vocals, whale songs, and even a bunch of sound drops (many are Davy Jones-centric) from the 1968 Monkees movie the song is culled from, HEAD! I also added some woodblock effects, bouncing from right to left channel, to provide a constant "click-clack" sound, in order to replicate a ticking clock ("the clock in the sky is pounding away..."), etc...All in an attempt to make this already psychedelic song even more mind-blowing! Get those headphones out and enjoy!
BONUS! Look below for my custom-made accompanying video for the re-mix!